A you know, throughout 2021, we, at Christ the King Manor, are celebrating our 50th Anniversary by giving. So far this year, we have supported the following organizations:
Gateway Humane Society - $850 Raised
Penn Highlands Heart Association - $2,000 Raised
Grady’s Decision - $1,200 Raised
Park Side Community Center - $850 Raised

The above photo shows Robin Badger (Activities Director) and Ed Andrulonis (COO) presenting the check to Kathleen Clement, Executive Director at Parkside Community Center.
In May, we supported the Penn Highlands Free Medical Clinic. There were some great fundraisers conducted to help raise money. Our 50th Anniversary Committee sold succulents for $3 each. We also did a couple of raffles. One was a gardening raffle basket. The other was a raffle for a hanging basket, which was located at the Community Center. Since Nursing Home Week fell in this month, we didn’t do as much fundraising as we spent more of our time and effort giving back to our CTKM Team Members.
We are so proud of the hard work that our 50th Anniversary Committee is putting into the fundraising efforts that support many local groups and organizations.
For more information about what organizations we have supported and to see pictures, head to https://www.ctkmanor.org/50years.
Author: Emily Neville and Christ the King Manor