Physical exercise for seniors is very important. Regular exercise for older adults lowers the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, and obesity. Exercise also helps with balance, posture, and strength. The following YouTube videos are to help with specific issues you or your loved one may have. Before starting these exercises, please be sure you don’t do these alone. Make sure there is someone there to supervise in case anything were to happen.

Balance and Posture:
Arthritis Help:
Chair Exercise for Arthritis – LINK
Core Fitness:
Chair Exercises for the Core - LINK
General Fitness Videos
Christ the King Manor offers Independent Living options, such as our Apartments and Cottages. Residents of the Cottages and Apartments have access to daily outdoor yoga exercises. Yoga Exercises are just one of the many activities offered when living in Christ the King Manor’s Independent Living. When COVID restrictions are lifted, full services inside of our Community Center will be offered. Our Community Center offers a borrowing library, Beauty/Barber Shop, exercise gym, and a café. Currently, Our Beauty/Barber Shop services are offered in-home at each resident's house when requested. The Café is open normal hours; however, it is take-out only. An outdoor tent has been placed outside of the Café for any resident who wants to enjoy their breakfast, lunch, or dinner outside with a friend.
For more information about our Cottages or Apartments that are available, please head to
For information about all other services the CTKM offers, please head to
Author: Dominique Martino, M.A.
Title: Director of Marketing and Communications
Work Cited:
Why Regular Exercise is Important for Adults Over the Age of 50 (2016, June 10). In Smathers Insurance. Retrieved from